The Come Up (Heavy Metal)

A more detailed version that is more in line with the style of the game.

A more detailed version that is more in line with the style of the game.

A more simplified, painted looking version of the game/cover.  This is mostly 3d here.  I used the Median Noise filter in Photoshop to help with the effect/look.

A more simplified, painted looking version of the game/cover. This is mostly 3d here. I used the Median Noise filter in Photoshop to help with the effect/look.

Exploring different leaf options.

Exploring different leaf options.

Exploring different character placement and dead vine creatures.

Exploring different character placement and dead vine creatures.

Exploring different character lighting options and a possible text header/font style.

Exploring different character lighting options and a possible text header/font style.

Possible cover shot for a game I am working on. The background is an in-game screenshot and the foreground is a render/screenshot from Marmoset. Everything is composited and painted over a bit in Photoshop.

Inspired by Rob Shield's Heavy Metal cover here:

You can watch a trailer for the game here: page:

Game Jolt page:

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