Magenta Forest

pulled out top-down view

pulled out top-down view

random side on the south east

random side on the south east

shooting over the mid-north lake

shooting over the mid-north lake

sword swing testing on the middle island area

jumping through the trees in the swampy center area, everything is traversable (this gif is sped up to decrease its size).

jumping through the trees in the swampy center area, everything is traversable (this gif is sped up to decrease its size).

jetpacking up the north east side

jetpacking up the north east side

the level was procedurally generated first and then hand-tailored or customized from there

the level was procedurally generated first and then hand-tailored or customized from there

different tiles were created and placed with different probabilities or weighting until a good simulation emerged

different tiles were created and placed with different probabilities or weighting until a good simulation emerged

a large tree tile

a large tree tile

early simulations were often too big or too repetitive

early simulations were often too big or too repetitive

A magenta forest in the game I am working on. It's a 3D platformer with jetpacks, grappling hooks, and gliders so everything is traversable including the really tall trees.

Some animations are from Unity's Standard Assets or from packages on the Asset Store.

You can watch a trailer for the game here: page:

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