Grand Space Opera : Light Age - Environment Design - Artstation Challenge

leaves from afar

leaves from afar

leaves a bit too big up close

leaves a bit too big up close

color testing

color testing

overview of the area / zone / scene

overview of the area / zone / scene

different compositions of the area

different compositions of the area

"happy accident" that I thought looked cool and cinematic

"happy accident" that I thought looked cool and cinematic

if you fall down the hole between the trees ...

if you fall down the hole between the trees ...

base for paintover

base for paintover

Part 1 of my submission for the Artstation Environment challenge. With this first concept I tried to do something more organic, more colorful, and more procedural in terms of the leaf generation. I placed a grass shader on the tree meshes and modified the settings to get the grass planes to look a bit more leaf like. It still needs some work as the "leaves/grass" appear decent from afar, but are just too big then when getting close up.